Innovation Ready | Sustainable agri-food technologies for Greek industry
| 10:23 am

Remarkable innovation is produced in Greece!
Are you interested?
Are you looking for ways to increase your innovation capacity for the production of high value-added products and services?
On 23-25 October 2023, SEV is organising the 12th "Innovation Ready" thematic meeting entitled "Sustainable agri-food technologies for Greek industry". The event will host one-on-one meetings as well as videoconference meetings between the Greek food industry and start-up companies of the Greek innovation ecosystem.
The startups participating in the event will offer digital and business solutions using artificial intelligence (AI), big data and IoT technologies:
- Enhance supply chain security in the agri-food industry
- Reduce the cost of production
- Reduce the environmental footprint of the business
- To manage crops in an optimal way, minimizing the use of valuable resources (water, fertilizers, etc.)
The startups participating in the events will be informed about the needs and challenges facing the Greek industry, while the Greek industry representatives will learn more about the technology designed and produced in Greece and how it can help them innovate and expand their competitive advantages.
The meetings will be held in Greek.
At the Innovation Ready networking meetings you can:
- Participate in the pairing of industry and start-ups to exploit cutting-edge technologies.
- Discover and evaluate business opportunities involving pre-industrial and mature stage technologies seeking ways to enter the market.
The event is organized in framework of the European Digital Innovation Hub Smart Attica and is co-funded by the European Union.
Information: SEV's Industry, Development, Technology & Innovation Sector, T: 211 500 6165 | E: [email protected]